
January 2025 update: 
  • Classes resume on 14th Jan in the evening (NB: NO CLASS on 21st Jan)
  • Tuesday lunchtime classes are suspended until further notice 
  • Che k my bookwhen site for information on rates

Whether joining an in-person or online class,  please register here:   https://bookwhen.com/dancingconvolutions

Latest newsletter: here
To receive my newsletter, subscribe here: http://eepurl.com/hb5oCb

Wondering what to wear as an adult in dance classes? Find a few tips here 
Since September 2017, I've been teaching regular non-syllabus adult ballet classes.
I am a qualified ISTD teacher, with a Diploma in Dance Pedagogy {LISTD(DDP)}

Looking for student testimonials? Check their reviews of my classes here.

Please scroll to the bottom of this page for my teaching calendar.

I teach classes on:

 {SEPT 2024: Sorry, Tuesday lunchtime classes are suspended until further notice} 
Marlborough Road, Grandpont, OX1 4LW.
12:15 - 13:45  Adult Improvers / mixed level class

at Summertown United Reformed Church

18:30 - 20:00 Adult Intermediate/Advanced class (in person & online)

at Summertown United Reformed Church
    294A Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7ED
      18:30 - 20:00 Improvers/Mixed level class  (in person & online)

Drawing on my training in the French School of ballet, I strive to share the joy of movement and the subtleties of intention through movement.
My favourite technical foci are:
  • posture  and placement;
  • presentation and articulation of the feet and lower legs; 
  • fluidity and breath in the movements of the upper body; 
  • and precision and clarity in the orientation of the body in space.

I also occasionally  guest-teach non-syllabus dance classes for established dance schools in Oxford (since 2013, mostly doing replacements, on demand):

Drawing upon my creative practices, I am also happy to further design and offer creative movement workshops for youth and community groups.

Contact e-mail:

To get updates about classes I teach, please subscribe to my newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/hb5oCb

Here is my teaching calendar - please click on each class for details of location
I keep this calendar scrupulously updated.
To add my classes to your calendar (e.g., google, iCal) and keep up-to-date with the dates of starts and breaks, feel free to download this ICS file.
Please note:
- the ICS file above only covers my own classes - in red below;
- for the classes I teach for local schools -in blue-grey below - please keep an eye on this calendar or visit the websites of the schools.

 facebook  page  : @dancingconvolutionsOxford